Database Information
Managing databases are a key aspect of developing and maintaining dynamic web-based applications...
How can I access mysql database remotely?Under the mysql header in Cpanel, select 'manage mysql' Then scroll down to the...
How can I backup a database using phpmyadmin?Backing up your database in Phpmyadmin is accomplished by doing the following: 1) Once you have...
How do I add a mysql database in Cpanel?To create a MySQL database: - Go to 'Manage Mysql' under the database header in Cpanel...
How do I delete a MYSQL database?Removing a database will delete that database ENTIRELY from the server. Please make sure you have...
How do I restore a database using PHPMyadmin?You can restore a database backup in PHPMyadmin by doing the following: 1) After entering...
What is Mysql?MySQL is a Relational Database Management System. A relational database adds speed and...
What is the default mysql port?3306 is the default mysql port.
What is the mysql host name?Always use 'localhost' whenever asked
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